What is Wùo Taï?
Defining what is constantly in motion and evolving is complex, just as it would be complex to define what life is in a few words. Here I will try to describe my understanding and personal experience within the Wùo TaÏ Universe.
Wùo Taï is a branch of Osteopathy. The person who coined this name, Roland Combes, is a passionate osteopath with several years of clinical experience who found that the practice of classical osteopathy lacked beauty and, inspired by both Asian trends in Body Therapy and Dance, lowered Osteopathy to the futon to be able to Dance with the bodies in a Tango of Mutual Healing. This is how the “Dance of the Fascias” or “Osteo-Dance” was born during the turn of the millennium.
After meeting Nathalie, his wife, from the alchemy of their skills, they modeled this creation in a Contemporary practice that is based on 64 main Gestures, inspired by the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, combining Philosophy, Anatomy, Embryology, and Physiology of the body in service of Life.
To practice Wùo Taï is to Receive what we Give, it is to live the Beauty of the Danced Elliptical Gesture, leaving aside reasoning and thought. We trust that intuitively our corporality finds harmony between our bodies, our hearts, and our spirits. Between the space that unites everything.
Since the year 2000 Roland, together with his wife Nathalie, they travel all over the world, as of today they have been in 17 countries, sharing this Art where we turn our backs on everything we know, we believe, and we think.
HOW DID I MEET wùo taï?
The first time I met them was in 2015 in Bali, during the Spirit Festival, which is a global meeting of Yoga, Music, and Healing Arts where I was participating in offering Body Therapy sessions and facilitating a ThaiYoga Massage workshop.
By chance, I found Roland, Nathalie, and Alejandro, one of his students, without a stand or anything, just in a transit area, in the shade, with a couple of futons, offering free sessions to those interested. Obviously, I kept watching, chatted with them for a while, and tried a session. In the end, I found myself in the Dream State where this practice frequently takes you.
Bali Spirit Festival 2015. How Wuo Tai is described on their sign: Neurological Awakening and Building Internal Vision through Elliptical Movement. Foto credits to Alejandro Benavides.
Later, I had the opportunity to participate in a couple of his workshops within the already popular Barcelona Yoga Conference (BYC) and from there I began to incorporate the "lumbar pylon" and a couple of basic Wùo Taï Gestures in my ThaiYoga sessions.
The results are always surprising on the part of my patients. “What happened? What was that??” They ask me at the end of the session.
It was not until 2020 that I organized the first Wùo Taï course in Spain for my colleague Davide Stasi, who had already trained with Roland, and I began to immerse myself more fully in this Art of the Unconscious. With Davide we organized 3 courses in total, the last 2 at home in La Palma.
Since December 2022 I’ve been studying the Complete Training with Roland and Nathalie in France to be able to experience the essence of Wùo Taï at the hands of his Parents. The truth is that being able to go to the Source is priceless.
The personality of its creators has a lot to convey. In these 15 years of taking Body Therapy courses, I have not met more generous and passionate teachers. Above all, with an infinite desire that what they offer reaches the whole world and all people, I loved the term that Roland uses: Social- Osteopathy.
In my understanding, it is a Therapeutic Act that offers a space for your Body to Self-regulate, recover or reduce elasticity and mobility in the joints and connective tissues. It Restores lightness and Motility to our visceral systems so that they can recover their vital functions.
Above all, entering the Dreamlike State of Consciousness, when you wake up you don't really understand what happened, what you thought, where you went with your mind, etc… I personally feel more part of the Whole, more connected to Life, with more Peace of Mind and confidence in this process, in this beautiful crisis called Life.
I hope I have shed some light on the understanding of Wùo Taï, which reminds me of the Tao, when you try to define it, it disappears ; )
We are developing a community of Wùo Taï practitioners all over the world.
If I can guide you on any topic related to this post, don’t hesitate to contact me.