Upcoming events
UNDER THE SKIN presents:
Basic thaiyoga massage course/retreat
Grab your backpack and come with us on a camping trip to Gran Canaria to start or elevate your ThaiYoga massage practice!
Our intimate course is unique and alternative. Unique because it is where the ancient wisdom of Thai massage meets the sensitivity of modern Osteopathy. Alternative because you are going to have a transformative life experience in a Sacred Natural environment.
Whether you come from the world of Yoga, Physiotherapy or Healing Arts such as Shiatsu or Chinese Medicine, this residential training is for you.
We are preparing all the info and details for this course. In the main time, if you are interested, you can leave us your details and we will receive the info directly in your inbox.
- wùo taï - 1st year official training - Various dates. 2024-2025.Barcelona city.
We are thrilled to announce that the official Wùo Taï school is coming to Spain, brought to you by its creators, Roland and Nathalie Combes.
Straight from France, Roland and Nathalie will be offering the first year of their complete training in Wùo Taï, a unique and innovative branch of osteopathy. The courses will be conducted in French, with simultaneous translation into English. This decision allows us to accommodate the many international students eager to learn Wùo Taï who do not speak French.
The training consists of several modules, each focusing on different themes and scheduled on specific dates, designed to deepen your understanding of the various aspects of Wùo Taï. This is a rare opportunity to delve into this discipline and explore its numerous benefits.
If you’re curious about Wùo Taï and want to learn more, we invite you to visit our blog or contact me directly. We’re here to answer your questions and help you start your journey into the world of Wùo Taï.
Touch · The full Spectrum of BodyWork · July 18th to 25th 2025. Cortijo Caseria. Granada. Spain
A unique Gathering designed for Body Workers and anyone passionate about the Art of Healing and Body therapies.
Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your journey, this Gathering is a place for everyone to learn, share, and grow together as community.
Imagine a vacation where you immerse yourself in practices like Dynamic Thai Massage, Modern Osteopathy, Effortless Thai Massage, Rebozo, Pa Khaw Ma, and Wùo Taï, surrounded by like-minded individuals in a supportive and joyful environment.

· Healing & Restorative Bodywork sessions ·
· Private ThaiYoga Massage & Wùo Taï Classes·
Current location:
Santa Cruz de la palma. La Palma. Canary Islands
· I am receiving you for BodyWork sessions. Come to my Healing Space located at our sea view eco-farm EVOLUTION in Villa de Mazo.
Thai massage blended with Osteopathy: 1h 60€/ 90 min 75€
Wùo Taï: 1h 60€/ 90 min 75€
Foot Thai Reflexology: 1 hour 55€
· Come to learn bodywork with me. I offer Private (or small groups) ThaiYoga & Wùo TaÏ classes at our sea view eco-farm EVOLUTION.
Contact me directly for more info and appointments at: +34.622.351.349
What is ThaiYoga Massage?
Thai Massage is a unique and powerful healing art that has been an integral part of traditional Thai medicine for thousands of years. It is a truly wonderful experience for both the giver and the receiver. Energy blockages are released, boundaries dissolve and deep healing occurs in a space of full presence and meditation.
A Thai massage session blends elements of Acupressure, Yoga, Reflexology, Physiotherapy, Meditation, Energy Healing, Chiropractic and Ayurveda.
It's a very Holistic therapy where the human being is seen and treated as an ever-changing network of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects that all influence each other. Its primary aim is to restore and balance the body’s energy system which is comprised of a multitude of energy lines that run through the body.
What is Wùo Taï?
Wùo Taï is an evolution of osteopathy. The person who coined this name, Roland Combes, is a passionate osteopath with several years of clinical experience who found that the practice of osteopathy was lacking the beauty element and, inspired by both Asian trends in Body Therapy and Dance, brought Osteopathy to the futon to be able to Dance with the bodies in a kind of tango of mutual healing. This is how the Dance of the Fascias or Osteo-Dance was born around the change of millennia.
“Wùo” comes from “Wu” circle and “Ou” even or double.
"Tai" is as big as the outside.
Therefore, Wùo Taï can be translated as "Between two circles" or "Between the Universe".
After meeting Nathalie, his wife, for the alchemy of her skills, they modeled his creation on a contemporary practice that is based on 64 main Gestures, inspired by the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, combining philosophy, anatomy, embryology, and physiology of the body at the service of life.
If you like to read the full article about my approach on Wùo Taï click HERE
yoga classes
Current location:
Villa de Mazo. La Palma. Canary Islands
Available for private groups, communities, individuals or events.
Yoga Classes
Joyful meditative hatha
In 2000 I've started to travel the world looking for all that I couldn't find at home. Yoga is been a constant path that I’ve experience everywhere I travel to: India, Bali, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Reunion Island...have been my temporary schools.
In 2010 I took a 300 hrs YTT at Satyananda Yoga University in India.
Today I am excited to share all that I've keep in my backpack!
I facilitate eclectic Yoga classes, a blend of different styles depending on the people that are on the Yoga Shala. I never know what is going to happens before I start the class, as life is in the here & now. We all create the class!
Hatha Yoga, Pranayamas, Dance, Meditations, Partner yoga, Thai-Yoga and Nidra are mixed in this adventure that I adopt to all levels and needs.
My classes are centered in developing self body consciousness and releasing the muscular and mental tensions, this is my speciality from many years of experience as Thai-Yoga massage therapist. I believe that health is the capacity of adaptation and movement, that is what I am aiming to transmit.
Laughter Yoga
Do you know that laughter has innumerable health benefits for our body, mind and soul? The slogan of Laughter Yoga in “fake it until you make it”, because the body can not distinguish between real or fake laughter, but It will get the full benefits from it.
Prepare to let go and connect with your inner child in this always surprising sessions .
We are certified Laughter Yoga leaders by the “Laughter Yoga University” of India.
Ho, ho, ha, ha, ha…
Yoga Nidra
the restoring guided yogic relaxation practice
Yoga Nidra is state of relaxation similar to the state between being awake and sleeping, induced by a particular practice of a guided meditation with visualizations.
The practice of this yoga relaxation has been found to reduce tension and anxiety, and to be restorative to the general condition of the body and mind.
Eva´s yoga nidra session are a beautiful journey into our inner self that will take you straight to heaven!
Feel free to listen to some of her sessions in Soundcloud.
Yin Yoga
come melt on the mat
Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of Yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time—for beginners, it may range from 45 seconds to two minutes; more advanced practitioners may stay in one asana for five minutes or more.
Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, fascia, and ligaments—with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims at cultivating awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnecting quality.
Come to one of Eva´s classes and literally melt on the mat!
Singing Circle
These sessions are not about singing well or being in tune, they are about raising the vibration of the group with our unique voices and singing easy spiritual songs and mantras that uplift and open the doors of our hearts .
This is a healing space in which we can fully accept ourselves and others for what we are. In our singing circles we encourage everyone to enjoy the beauty of their own unique voice, thereby making a precious gift to the group
Who we are?

Our Mission
EvaSion started back in 2013, when Eva’s teacher Itzhak Helman asked her to start teaching her own courses, as a way to expand the Thai Massage knowledge. Since then, It has evolved into a small collective of Thai Massage instructors, Yoga teachers, and outstanding individuals devoted to spreading the seeds of these ancient healing arts across the world and to inspire other people to follow their dreams.
We are aware that the world needs more consciousness and community values, more touch, more laughter, more compassion, more forgiveness..... These is what we aim to cultivate every time we gather in retreats and workshops, with the intention of sharing our Thai Massage & Yoga practice. We hold a safe space for your self exploration and the expression of your inner needs in a welcoming environment. We choose to do this in special venues that support the environment and their local communities and provide the perfect setting for such gathering.
We are activists for the world wellbeing
& you are welcomed to be a part of it!
Eva Sion
Founder of EvaSion Thai Yoga, Thai Massage and Yoga Teacher
I come from the mud. I reach towards the sky. In 2000 I had completed my university studies in Barcelona of Art History and I was looking outside of the mainstream “production - consumption” options to find and embrace my mission.
I became a full-time traveler and a passionate surfer. I lived in remote places such as Réunion Island, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Lombok and Australia. Yoga came into my life as I felt the need to take better care of my body, find emotional stability and grounding. I got my first certificate as Personal Fitness Trainer in Sydney in 2007, specializing in yoga and surfing. I also got certified as a Spa therapist in Bali in 2008, and worked in luxury spas in France.
In 2009 I experienced my first Thai Massage course in Lahu village, northern Thailand. I discovered that this practice combined my passions of yoga, meditation, and bodywork in a selfless way. I became a devoted student and practitioner.
I fell deeper into my Yoga practice and took a Yoga Teacher training certificate in Satyananda Ashram in India in 2010, where I learned more about meditation and the holistic way of life.
Since 2013, following the advice of my dear teacher and mentor Itzhak Helman, I started to share my love for Thai Massage in workshops and retreats in places such as Spain, Mexico, Los Angeles, Bali, Morocco, Panama.... and created EvaSion Thai Yoga, a platform for collaboration with other highly talented individuals and communities that share my vision.
I am passionate to keep on learning more about Thai Massage, Yoga, and also about all the different disciplines that inspire me: contact improvisation dance, clown, Wùo Taï, modern yoga, functional movement, non-violent communication, mindfulness... and through both the muddy and crystal clear waters I am following the endless path of being curious about this wonderful adventure called life.
Elisabeth Green
Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Thai Massage & Yoga Teacher
Co-teacher in the UNDER THE SKIN retreat in Gran Canaria.
How do we heal from physical and emotional pain, injuries, trauma? How are they connected?
This question was my starting point for what turns out to be a lifelong inquiry into medicine and holistic health.
Coming from my own background of pain and trauma, learning how I can heal myself taught me more about how I can be best equipped to help others heal themselves. This is how it all started, then the path brought me to where I am now:
Elisabeth currently lives and works in Vienna, where she maintains her own treatment center, working as an Osteopath and Thai Massage Therapist, giving treatments and Yoga classes, devoting herself to everything related to holistic health and mindfulness.
She first came into touch with Thai Massage in 2016 and this encounter forever changed her practice as a physiotherapist and yoga teacher. Feeling she found a holistic approach she was internally searching for, this practice brought together many aspects of healing she had previously dedicated herself to. She immediately felt the spark, the joy, the enthusiasm and started to dive deep into this ancient massage practice with her teachers Ithzak Helman, Pau Castellsague and Vangelis Varis as well as Krishnatakis Oekonomi, David Lutt and Felicity Joy. Meanwhile assisting some of them in their courses, and creating and sharing with others her own courses, giving many treatments in her everyday life, Thai Massage has become a beautiful and enriching part of her life ever since the first day.
Also in 2016, she started studying osteopathy in Vienna at the Wiener Schule für Osteopathie (Vienna School of Osteopathy), fulfilling her desire to gain as much knowledge as possible about the human body and approaching health from a scientific western perspective founded on anatomy and physiology. The philosophy and practice of osteopathy deeply influenced her practice and teachings throughout the last 5 years. In 2022 she will complete her studies in Vienna.
Other inspirations come from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga, the sound of language, all kinds of movement, plants, and most of all the element of WATER: the ocean, waves, the rhythm of life.
You are welcome to visit her website: www.elisabethaue.com
Clay Colibrí Burns
Thai Massage teacher, Musician, Dancer and Medicine Man
Clay Burns was introduced to the fascinating world of healing arts as a teenager and learned the magic of healing through music, dance, and massage.
Clay originally comes from Chile and trained as a certified masseur in Colorado, US. Afterward he began his wandering years, in order to get to know the different teachings of the western and eastern healing arts.
Currently he is offering workshops and treatments around Europe and he is also a facilitator of Amazonian medicine ceremonies.
Anna Pau
Founder of “Creando el cielo en la Tierra” Healing center. Barcelona.
Anna will be leading Shamanic Movements workshop and Human Design readings at the Effortless Thai Massage course in Barcelona.
A lifetime of studies, practices and experiences about what it means to be a Human on Earth.
Kinesiologist, Acupuncturist, Human Evolutionary Design Guide, are some of the tools that she puts at the service of those people. She will guide you through the process of understanding and grow in a holistic way: the spiritual, the emotional and the mental.
She is a very peculiar woman, who will not leave you indifferent, and that is precisely what life seeks, cause a mutation to all those people who are prepared to experience it and take responsibility for its existence.
You can learn more about her at: www.creandoelcieloenlatierra.com